Rabdi Malpua Recipe

Rabdi Malpua Recipe

50 Mins
4-5 People
10 Mins

Rabdi Malpua Recipe by Chef Ajay Chopra - The Perfect Sweet Dish 


Cooking up something new and delicious for dessert?

Chef Ajay Chopra has got you covered! Delight your family and friends with this tantalising Rabdi Malpua recipe. Create a unique, sweet dish with ease by incluing traditional flavours like cardamom, saffron and bread.

Get creative in the kitchen as you follow each step of this detailed recipe guide from Chef Ajay Chopra. Prepare heavenly malpuas that are served delightfully with a rabdi topping - your guests will be wowed at the sight (and taste!) of them! Imagine their faces when they take their first bite - sheer amazement guaranteed!

Follow along with our comprehensive guide now so you can start treating yourself (and others) to unforgettable flavour experiences today!



Milk 1 litre

Bread 4 slices

Refined flour 1 small bowl

Suji 1 tbsp

Milk 3-4 tbsp

Sugar 3 tbsp

Kesar 8-9 strands

Kewra ½ tbsp


For sugar syrup/chachi:

Sugar 1 cup

Water ½ cup

Kesar 7-8 strands 

Green cardamom 3-4 pcs 



Making Sugar Syrup:

To embark on this delectable journey of creating Malpua with Rabdi, begin by crafting the essential sugar syrup. Fire up a pan and allow it to embrace the heat. Add a generous portion of sugar to the pan, followed by a dash of water, and patiently watch as the alchemy unfolds. As the sugar dances with the water, it gradually transforms into a luscious, golden syrup.

Now, it's time to introduce some aromatic companions to the syrup. Sprinkle in fragrant cardamom and a pinch of precious kesar (saffron). Allow these flavours to meld into the syrup, infusing it with a divine essence. Continue to cook the syrup until it attains a tantalising thickness that coats the back of a spoon. Once it reaches this luxurious consistency, gracefully remove it from the heat and set it aside. Behold, your sugar syrup is ready to weave its magic.


Creating Rabdi Mixture:

Shift your culinary focus to the creation of the luscious Rabdi mixture. Begin by igniting another pan and pouring in a stream of milk. Let it simmer gently, caressing the pan's bottom with its creamy allure. As the milk warms, it will gradually reduce in volume, intensifying in richness and flavor.

During this transformation, tend to the milk occasionally, stirring it to prevent any unwanted surprises. As the milk reduces to more than half its original volume, it will become a thick, velvety elixir. At this point, take a detour by grabbing some slices of bread and removing their edges. Pulse the bread slices in a mixer jar until they transform into a coarse, crumbly texture.

Now, merge the bread mixture with the reduced milk and let them waltz together in the pan for another 4-5 minutes. Allow this tantalising concoction to cool. Your Rabdi mixture, a symphony of milk and bread, is now poised and ready.


Preparing the Malpua:

As you shift your attention towards crafting the Malpua, scoop up half of the Rabdi mixture into a welcoming bowl. Into this bowl, add suji (semolina), refined flour, sugar, and a splash of milk. Stir them harmoniously until they form a smooth, thick batter. Set this mixture aside, ready for its moment in the pan.

In a different pan, let ghee luxuriate over a medium flame, preparing to cradle the Malpua. Pour a portion of the Malpua mixture into the pan and let it sizzle gently on a low flame. After 2-3 minutes, give it a graceful flip, allowing the other side to embrace the golden warmth.

When the edges of the Malpua attain a resplendent golden brown, delicately lift it from the pan and let it rest in the sugar syrup, soaking up the sweet nectar for 4-5 minutes. With this final flourish, your Malpua emerges as a sweet, syrupy delight.


Crafting Sweet Rabdi:

Now, with the Malpua mission accomplished, return your attention to the remaining Rabdi mixture. To elevate its charm, add kesar, a hint of kewra water, and a touch more sugar. Allow these additions to harmonise in the pan, transforming the Rabdi into a sweet symphony of flavours.


Assembling the Masterpiece:

With all components artfully prepared, it's time to assemble this culinary masterpiece. Begin by laying a sumptuous foundation of Rabdi on a serving plate. Then, place the Malpua delicately on top, each one soaked in sweet syrup. To crown this regal creation, shower it with more Rabdi and a sprinkling of finely chopped pistachios.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What is the history behind Malpua and Rabdi, and how did they come together in this recipe?

A1: Malpua is a traditional Indian sweet, while Rabdi is a rich condensed milk-based dessert. Combining the two creates a harmonious blend of textures and flavors, making this recipe a delightful fusion.


Q2: Can I substitute jaggery (gur) for sugar in this recipe to make it healthier?

A2: While you can experiment with jaggery, it may alter the flavor and texture. It's best to follow the recipe for an authentic taste.


Q3: Are there any alternative flours I can use instead of refined flour in the Malpua batter?

A3: You can try using whole wheat flour or chickpea flour for a different twist, but the texture and taste will vary.


Q4: What's the best way to serve Rabdi Malpua for a visually appealing presentation?

A4: To create an appealing presentation, arrange the Malpuas on a plate, drizzle them generously with Rabdi, and garnish with finely chopped pistachios for a pop of color.


Q5: Can I make this recipe ahead of time and reheat it?

A5: Malpua is best enjoyed fresh. While you can make the components in advance, it's recommended to assemble and serve them when you're ready to enjoy the dish at its best.

Q6: Is there a healthier version of Rabdi Malpua that I can try?

A6: You can experiment with low-fat milk and sugar substitutes to make a slightly healthier version, but it may affect the overall taste and texture.


Q7: Can I store leftover Rabdi Malpua, and if so, for how long?

A7: You can store leftover Rabdi Malpua in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 days. However, the Malpuas may become less crispy over time, so it's best to enjoy them fresh.