Falsa Sharbat Recipe

Falsa Sharbat Recipe

0 min
2-3 People
15 min



I still remember the first time I encountered Falsa Sharbat. It was a scorching summer day in Delhi, and the streets were bustling with vendors selling various cooling drinks. Among them, a small cart caught my attention, offering a vibrant purple drink that looked incredibly refreshing. The vendor, an elderly man with a warm smile, introduced me to Falsa Sharbat, a beverage he claimed was not just a drink but a remedy for the sweltering heat.

As I took my first sip, I was immediately transported to my childhood days, when we would eagerly wait for the phalsa season. The tart yet sweet flavor of the sharbat was a nostalgic reminder of those carefree summer afternoons spent with my family. It was then that I realized Falsa Sharbat was more than just a thirst quencher; it was a cherished tradition that held a special place in our hearts.




Recipe of Falsa Ka Sharbat


Portions: 3-4

Preparation Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 40 mins

Calories: 103 cal per portion




  • 1 cup Falsa (Indian berries, also known as Grewia asiatica)
  • ½ cup Sugar
  • 2 tsp Black salt
  • 1 tsp Roasted cumin powder
  • 8-10 Ice cubes
  • 1.5 liters Water
  • 7-8 Mint leaves




Step 1: Preparing the Falsa Juice

A bowl containing Falsa berries, sugar, black salt, and roasted cumin powder being mashed together to extract juice.

Combine Ingredients
In a mixing bowl, combine the Falsa berries, sugar, black salt, and roasted cumin powder. The sugar helps in drawing out the juice from the Falsa berries.

Mash the Mixture
Using a masher or the back of a spoon, thoroughly mash the mixture. Ensure that the Falsa berries are well crushed and the ingredients are fully combined to release the juice.


Step 2: Straining the Juice

Falsa mixture being poured through a fine-mesh strainer into a bowl to separate the juice from the pulp and seeds.

Set Up the Strainer
Place a fine-mesh strainer or sieve over another bowl or jug. This setup will help in separating the juice from the solid remains.

Strain the Mixture
Pour the mashed Falsa mixture into the strainer. Slowly add water to help wash out all the juice through the sieve. Use the back of a spoon to press down on the mixture and extract as much juice as possible.



Step 3: Chilling the Falsa Juice

A jug of freshly strained Falsa juice placed in the refrigerator for chilling.

Discard Solids
After straining, discard the solid remains in the strainer. These are primarily the seeds and pulp which are not required for the sharbat.

Refrigerate the Juice
Pour the strained Falsa juice into a container and place it in the refrigerator to chill. Cooling the juice enhances its refreshing taste.



Step 4: Serving the Falsa Ka Sharbat

A glass filled with ice cubes, with chilled Falsa juice being poured in, topped with fresh mint leaves.

Prepare Glasses
Take a serving glass and place 1-2 ice cubes at the bottom. The ice cubes will keep the Falsa ka Sharbat cool and refreshing when served.

Pour the Chilled Juice
Once the juice is thoroughly chilled, remove it from the refrigerator. Carefully pour the Falsa juice into the serving glass, filling it almost to the top.

Garnish with Mint
Gently crush a few fresh mint leaves between your fingers to release their aroma. Place the crushed mint leaves on top of the Falsa ka Sharbat for a burst of freshness and a delightful aroma.



Step 5: Enjoy the Refreshing Drink

Serve and Enjoy
Your refreshing Falsa Ka Sharbat is now ready to be enjoyed. Serve it immediately to your family and guests, allowing them to savor the tangy and sweet flavors of this traditional summer beverage.




About the Recipe


Falsa Sharbat, a traditional Indian drink, is made from the tiny, dark purple fruit called phalsa. Known for its cooling properties, this sharbat is a perfect remedy for the hot summer days. The unique taste of phalsa, which is a delightful blend of sweet and sour, makes this beverage incredibly refreshing. The addition of black salt and roasted cumin powder not only enhances its flavor but also provides a host of health benefits, such as aiding digestion and boosting immunity.

This drink is particularly popular in North India, where phalsa is widely available during the summer months. It's a natural coolant and an excellent source of Vitamin C, which helps in rejuvenating the body and maintaining good health. Whether you're looking to beat the heat or just want to enjoy a delicious and healthy drink, Falsa Sharbat is a perfect choice.


Cooking Tips


  • Use Fresh Phalsa: Ensure that the phalsa berries are fresh and free from any spoilage. Fresh berries will give the best flavor to your sharbat.
  • Adjust Sweetness: You can adjust the sweetness of the sharbat according to your taste. If you prefer a tangier flavor, add less sugar.
  • Strain Thoroughly: Make sure to strain the mixture well to remove any seeds and pulp. This will give your sharbat a smooth texture.
  • Serve Chilled: Falsa Sharbat tastes best when served chilled. You can add ice cubes or refrigerate it for a few hours before serving.
  • Experiment with Spices: Feel free to experiment with other spices like cardamom or black pepper for a different twist.


Pairing Guide


  • Summer Snacks: Falsa Sharbat pairs beautifully with light summer snacks like samosas, pakoras, or chaat. The refreshing drink balances the spicy flavors of these snacks.
  • Grilled Dishes: Serve it alongside grilled dishes such as kebabs or tandoori items. The tangy taste of the sharbat complements the smoky flavors perfectly.
  • Salads: Enjoy Falsa Sharbat with fresh salads. The drink's fruity and tangy notes enhance the crispness and flavor of the vegetables.
  • Desserts: Pair it with Indian sweets like gulab jamun or jalebi. The tartness of the sharbat cuts through the sweetness of the desserts, creating a balanced taste.
  • Brunch: It also makes a great addition to your brunch menu. Pair it with light dishes like idli, dosa, or sandwiches for a refreshing start to your day.




Frequently Asked Questions about Falsa Sharbat


  1. What is Falsa Sharbat made of?

    • Falsa Sharbat is made from phalsa berries, which are mashed and mixed with sugar, black salt, roasted cumin powder, and water to create a refreshing drink.
  2. What are the health benefits of Falsa Sharbat?

    • Falsa Sharbat is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. It helps in boosting immunity, aiding digestion, and keeping the body cool during hot weather.
  3. Can Falsa Sharbat help in reducing heatstroke?

    • Yes, Falsa Sharbat is known for its cooling properties and can help in reducing the risk of heatstroke by keeping the body hydrated and cool.
  4. Is Falsa Sharbat good for diabetic patients?

    • Falsa itself has properties that can help in regulating blood sugar levels. However, diabetic patients should consume the sharbat in moderation due to the added sugar.
  5. How long can I store Falsa Sharbat?

    • Falsa Sharbat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. Ensure it is stored in an airtight container to maintain its freshness.
  6. Can I use frozen phalsa for making the sharbat?

    • Yes, you can use frozen phalsa if fresh ones are not available. Thaw them before use for best results.
  7. What can I use as a substitute for phalsa if it's not available?

    • If phalsa is not available, you can use other tart fruits like black currants or cranberries as a substitute, but the flavor will differ.
  8. Is Falsa Sharbat safe for children?

    • Yes, Falsa Sharbat is safe for children. It's a natural and refreshing drink that provides essential nutrients.
  9. How do I make Falsa Sharbat less tangy?

    • To make the sharbat less tangy, you can reduce the amount of phalsa or add more sugar to balance the tartness.
  10. Can Falsa Sharbat help in weight loss?

    • Falsa Sharbat is low in calories and can be part of a weight loss diet. However, it should be consumed in moderation due to the sugar content.


By sharing this delightful recipe and its myriad benefits, I hope you get to enjoy Falsa Sharbat as much as I do. Whether you’re looking to stay cool in the heat or simply want a taste of something unique, this traditional drink is sure to satisfy.